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5 Ways to Keep the Spark Alive in a Relationship

Many couples in long-term relationships tend to lose that spark, so what should we do when a relationship isn’t sparky anymore?

#1. Sleep naked.

Sleeping naked shows your partner that you want them & you are comfortable with them. Couples who are open in this way are generally more engaged with each other & sexual experiences could be much more fulfilling and exciting. Sleeping naked with your partner can boost the production of oxytocin, also known as the "love hormone". That being said, you don’t necessarily have to sleep naked every night. Nevertheless, sleeping naked once a week will certainly improve the quality of your long-term relationship! 😉

#2. Have a date night each week.

Never stop seducing each other! Make sure you and your partner have a date night every week. You don’t necessarily have to go to a fancy restaurant for the date night. In fact, you can just have a romantic dinner at home (with some candles). Dress up for the date and look great! Truthfully, if it’s a date night at home, why not make it a naked dinner date?! 😊

#3. Learn something new together.

Anything that is not growing is dying. This is sad but true. As a matter of fact, you have to let your relationship keep growing all the time. Therefore, you would be well-advised to learn something new with your partner. For example, maybe you can join a salsa dance class as a couple. Or you can learn painting together. Well, after the painting class, remember to draw a very private picture at home while your partner is lying on the sofa (think how Jack draws Rose’s picture on Titanic)!

#4. Give or receive a sensual massage.

Don’t underestimate the power of physical touch. A sensual massage at home can heighten the skin’s sensitivity, thereby making intimacy more enjoyable in the bedroom. You can take turns to give each other a sensual massage at night – this will also improve the quality of your sleep as well.

#5. Speak your partner’s love language.

There are five love languages: physical touch, gifts, quality time, act of service and words of affirmation. Find out your partner’s love language and give them exactly that regularly. You will be surprised to know that it works wonders and Law of Reciprocity is real – your partner will love you more and more each day as a result!

Please try some of the above-mentioned strategies and make your relationship sparky at all times!


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