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How to get your ex-girlfriend back

Frankly, before I started to write this article, I was thinking… “Is this even the right topic?” – Apparently, a positive mindset would focus on the future rather than the past. But many men are actually wondering how they can get their ex-girlfriends back because they strongly believe that their ex-girlfriends are the right women for them. Well, if you are one of these guys, keep reading! (Note that after reading this article, you will either get her back or get over her.)

· No contact for at least 21 days.

After the breakup, your ex-girlfriend is definitely thinking about you because women are more emotional. She is looking at your Instagram and Facebook. She is waiting for your phone calls and text messages. She is wondering what you are doing. She wants to know why you don’t contact her.

Therefore, in order to keep her interested, you MUST not contact her for at least 21 days. In other words, it takes 3 weeks for her to fully realise that you have a wonderful lifestyle and you’ve moved on already.

· Post an amazing photo on your social media.

On Day 22, you post an amazing picture on your Facebook or Instagram. This photo can be you going to the movies with your friends or attending a party at an upscale venue. You don’t have to look extremely excited or happy in the photo, but you need to showcase your intriguing lifestyle. Now your ex-girlfriend will know that you are a high-value guy who feels confident with or without a girlfriend! Chances are she will like your photo on social media.

· Send her a text message which indicates you are having fun without her – she is missing out on something cool.

No matter she has reacted to your photo on social media or not, you can send her a text message which looks like this: “Finally, I saw What Happens in Vegas. This movie is absolutely hilarious!” (This is especially effective if previously she mentioned that she would like to go to Las Vegas with you.)

Remember: women are sentimental, so your ex-girlfriend will start to think about the good memories that you’ve had together. Those shared experiences will make her think loving thoughts about you.

· Build a new lifestyle that she wants to be a part of.

Now you should totally reinvent yourself by creating a radically new lifestyle. Maybe you always wanted to start your own business. Or perhaps you are looking to start a new hobby. Just do it now.

Keep posting interesting content about your new business or hobby on social media so that your ex-girlfriend will know what you are up to. As she figures out that you are the ideal partner, she will want to be with you again.

Well, even if she doesn’t come back, your brand-new lifestyle will show you the fast-track to happiness anyway!


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