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How to define emotional infidelity

Emotional infidelity is an emotional connection combined with elements of secrecy and sexual chemistry that hasn’t really been acted upon. It’s very different from a friendship: a friendship is supportive and just involves someone that you may see a few times each month, whilst emotional infidelity involves a person you see more regularly with massive anticipation. Anticipation and secrecy generate infatuation and passion….

· Emotional affairs are very commonplace nowadays.

Texting as well as social media have made emotional affairs so common in this day and age, for it’s incredibly easy to chat with someone on the smartphone throughout the day. Unlike a real relationship that oftentimes involves kids, housework, in-laws, money and careers, emotional infidelity is all about having fun – it’s less stressful!

As I see it, an emotional affair has three ingredients:

1.) emotional connection

2.) secrecy

3.) an element of eroticism.

For instance, let’s say you are married or in a long-term relationship. Yet at the same time, each day you find yourself texting someone in the office (emotional connection); you are hiding your colleague from your partner (secrecy); the thought of sleeping with this co-worker madly excites you (eroticism). Well, this is an emotional affair.

· How to tell if your girlfriend/wife is having an emotional affair:

Sign #1: Increased secrecy. For example, she starts to take her phone when she goes to the bathroom (she didn’t do this previously); she has recently changed her phone’s security settings.

Sign #2: She is emotionally withdrawing from this relationship. She is much less excited to see you when you arrive home in the evening; she spends much more time on the smartphone than usual.

Sign #3: Her libido has changed. Obviously, a decrease in her libido is certainly a sign. Nevertheless, if her libido has become higher suddenly, that’s a sign as well. Let me explain.

When a woman is having an emotional affair, two things could happen:

A) As she is aroused by a guy that she doesn’t sleep with, now she needs more intimacy with you, i.e., the legitimate spouse.

B) As she is having an emotional affair with another man, she feels guilty. As a result, she is keen to initiate more s*x in bed.

· What would a lady do when she is emotionally cheating on her man?

Here are some indicators of an emotional affair:

1.) She complains to her crush about her marriage/long-term relationship.

2.) She discusses her future plans, family and careers with her crush.

3.) She shares big news with her crush before sharing it with her spouse.

Sadly, while a guy in an emotional affair simply likes the enjoyable feelings, a lady in an emotional affair is possibly in love with her crush!


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