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Top 10 Dating Principles for 2021 and Beyond

Dating in 2021 and beyond requires you to raise your game. Therefore, I’ve summarized the top 10 principles for you to implement.

(Not for you to read, but for you to implement!)

1.) Pull the woman into your reality.

No, I’m not saying you’re going to proactively persuade her to be your girlfriend. I mean she should react to you – she should feel something that’s pulling her into your reality. This can be your charisma/interesting conversations that attract her.

2.) Don’t use money to get the girl.

If you use money to make her like you, then she doesn’t like you. End of story.

3.) Don’t ask her to be your girlfriend.

She should feel the need to confirm whether this relationship is official.

4.) Be the leader in the dynamics.

As a man in dating and relationships, you either lead or be misled. Period.

5.) Turn the tables and make her chase you.

Give her some time to think about you. Give her some room to chase you. Don’t text her all the time. If she asks you 3 questions in one text message, don’t answer all of her questions.

6.) Don’t give a cheater a second chance.

If she cheats on you, that means the relationship is over. Nobody needs closure because that’s actually called completion.

7.) You live in abundance, whereas she needs to feel the scarcity/a sense of urgency when she interacts with you.

You’re a high-value man that many women admire. She’s supposed to work harder in order to impress you. When she says something intelligent, you say, “I’m impressed.” That’s how to train your girlfriend.

8.) Be okay with sexual rejection.

If she rejects you in bed, you must be okay with it. Don’t be upset or beg for sex. Just be stoic. When you’re unreactive, she’ll think… “Wow. This guy can take that from me. He’s really one of a kind.”

9.) Don’t say “I love you” first.

When you say “I love you” first, you give your power away. Let her guess how much you love her!

10.) If you need to ask for advice on how to get her, then you won’t get her.

If you’re hiring a dating coach so you can ask specific questions like “How can I get the girl that I’ve been talking to for 4 months/4 years?”, then you won’t get her. Let me explain.

When you need advice on how to get one specific girl, you’ve already lost, because that means you’ve been ruminating for quite a while and the interaction is not in your favor already. She’s had an opinion about what type of guy you are and which category you belong to. So, now you are selling to the unsellable.

The real purpose of hiring a dating coach is to learn dating skills before you need to use your dating skills. It’s not about learning dating skills in order to pursue a lost cause.


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